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Gim Gwang Cheol

Desire Boxes 1 / 04 / 2020 . 7 . 1 - 7 . 30 / BHC Gallery 27Street . Gwangju . KOREA / 7 paintings
Desire Boxes 1 / 03 / 2020 . 7 . 1 - 7 . 30 / BHC Gallery 27Street . Gwangju . KOREA / 5 paintings
Desire Boxes 1 / 02 / 2020 . 7 . 1 - 7 . 30 / BHC Gallery 27Street . Gwangju . KOREA / 5 Paintings
Desire Boxes 1 / 01 / 2020 . 7 . 1 - 7 . 30 / BHC Gallery 27Street . Gwangju . KOREA / 5 Paintings
Desire Boxes 123 . Thumbnail . 2022-2020 Desire Boxes 3 Thumbnail / 56 Paintings Desire Boxes 2 Thumbnail / 47 Paintings Desire Boxes 1 Thumbnail / 22 Paintings
2019 만개의 풍경 만개의 이야기'Art Seeds no 96-04'.영등포 아트홀.서울.한국/10.28
Romantic Material : 7 Hours . no 10 ~ no 18 No 18 . Berlin . GERMANY Curator Frederic Krauke 25th July . 2018 / Photo by Yannick Krauke No 17 . Hannover . GERMANY Curator Ilka Theurich Georgengarten Park 19th July . 2018 / Photo by Ilka Theurich No 16 . Theatre KANA . Szczecin . POLAND . Curator Antoni Karwowski 23th September . 2017 / Video by Ryu Myeong Sang . Beak Zong Roc No 15 . Napoli Sotterranea . Napoli . ITALY / Hoted by Gianni N..
2011 . Chicago . USA
2010 RIAP . Quebec . CANADA
2018 . Philippines / TAMA 08
Physical Power Plant the Paper / Interakcje13 'Text' (Polish Language + Korean Language) . POLAND . 2011 2011 POLAND ' Interakcje 13' Gim Gwang Cheol 's Performance Art ( KOREA ) Physical Power Plant ; The Paper Part 1- Feel The Paper Part 2- Physical Power Plant : 20 Cigarettes Part 3- Language Flower Kluczem do trzyczęściowego performance artysty był papier, który funkcjonuje nie tylko jako niezbędny element do wyprodukowania książki lub zeszytu, ale przede wszystkim jako nośnik informacji. W pie..
Painting : Imagination ' Lost Romance ' . 2008 - 2015 / 02 Lost Romance . 90 . 9 X 72. 7 cm. Acrylic on Canvas . 2008- 2016 Romantic Cat . Acrylic on Canvas. 45.5 x 53cm . 2016 Day of Reveolution . Acrylic on Canvas. 162 x 130 cm . 2009 Fortress of Frida Caro . Acrylic on Canvas. 91 x 116.8 cm. 2009
2015 - 2012 ' Newspaper ' 2015 정치의 눈물 2015 시민의 소리 김광철 ' 정치의 눈물 2015' , 정치적 허상, 냉소적 접근 / 정인서 기자 / 2015년 10월 13일 전남매일 정치적 허상에 대한 냉소 / 이연수 기자 전남일보 김광철 행위예술전 , 오늘 광주 씨어터 연바람 / 김정대 기자 / 2015년 10월 15일 로맨틱 매터리얼 : 7시간 시민의 소리 김광철 5번째 퍼포먼스 개인전 ' 로맨틱 매터리얼 ; 7시간 ' / 김다이 기자 / 2015년 7월 23일 국제신문 귀에 작은 안테나를 단 남성, 응답하라 ' 세월호 ' / 김희국 기자 / 2015년 9월 1일 무등일보 김광철 5번째 퍼포먼스개인전 ' 로맨틱 매터리얼 7시간 ' / 김민석 기자 / 2015년 7월 22일 광남일보 찾아가는 행위예술.... 관객과 눈 맞춘..
2015 Curitiba Biennale . BRAZIL Curitiba Biennale , BRAZIL 15th August - 24th August . 2015 Curator Fernando Ribeiro Producer Kaley Michelle Coordinator Karen Matias Video by Guilherme Artigas / Photo by Lauro Borges Place - Curitiba Downtown Flower Street Performance Art 19th August 2015 Romantic Material ; 7 Hours no 5 Candy Girls Isabella M Lemos , Karen Tribess Memory Loading Episode
2015 Tears of Politics Gim Gwang Cheol's Performance Art Exhibition TEARS OF POLITICS 2015 Theater ' Yeonbaram ' Gwangju. KOREA 14th( wed ) , 15th ( thu ) October. 2015
2015 + Park Kyeong Hwa(KOREA).竹香强柔 Bamboo.Small.Strong & Smooth 1.in World Bamboo Fair Damyang.KOREA 22th September. 2015 / Photo by Lee Jin Gi , Kang Cheol Video by Beak Zong Roc 23 minutes 30 seconds